Wednesday, September 10, 2008


When I look at you I feel like a lifeless sock.
One with a severe hole in the heel.
One that would irritate your foot if your wore it whilst running.
I would rather go and find a friend and put them on a lead.
At least then I would feel like more than just a sleazy goat.
Don't get me wrong.
I enjoy the company of goats.
They have a beatutiful complexion and can give an amazing back rub.
But that's not what I want in life.
I want to glisten in the sun like a wet mushroom.
I want sound like a new compact disk player.
I want to smell like organic compost with fresh avocado on top.
That's actually not vey comical.
Just go and comb your hair.
Keep the lice in a jar.
They could come in handy.

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