Thursday, December 4, 2008


Is it not fine for me to gaze longingly at your thumb muscles?
I know how you got them.
I know how you got them.
I really know how you got them.
Don't be depressed.
It is very unnatural.
How did you get them?


I got a bit of a feathery face yesterday.
Some people thought it was rather grand.
Others thought it was a bit too arrogant.
Either way, it helped me understand the true meaning of Fiscal Policy.
I am mad though.
Fiscal Policy has ruined my chances of being a professional wrestler.
I already had a name sorted out.
I can't remember it though.
Something to do with several undefined layers on Photoshop.
Don't tempt me.
I will call the police.
I will press charges.
And most of all, I will iron your favourite shirt.